페이지 정보

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="com.pkt.mapper.BoardMapper">
<select id="getList" resultType="com.pkt.model.BoardVO">
<!-- <![CDATA[ ]] 쓰는 이유 -->
<!-- sql 구문안에 비교 연산자가 들어갈 경우(특수문자) 문자열로 인식하게 하기 위해서 ... -->
select * from tbl_board where bno > 0
<select id="listPage" resultType="com.pkt.model.BoardVO">
select * from tbl_board where bno > 0 order by bno desc limit #{page}, 5
<select id="listCriteria" resultType="com.pkt.model.BoardVO">
select * from tbl_board where bno > 0 order by bno desc limit #{pageStart}, #{perPageNum}
<select id="countPaging" resultType="int">
select count(bno) from tbl_board where bno > 0
<insert id="create">
insert into tbl_board (title, content, writer, file01, file02, file03, file01_thum)
values (#{title},#{content},#{writer},#{file01},#{file02},#{file03},#{file01_thum})
<select id="read" resultType="com.pkt.model.BoardVO">
select * from tbl_board where bno = #{bno}
<update id="update">
update tbl_board set title =#{title}, content =#{content}, file01 =#{file01},
file02 =#{file02}, file03 =#{file03}, file01_thum =#{file01_thum} where bno = #{bno}
<update id="updateViewCnt">
update tbl_board set viewcnt = viewcnt + 1 where bno = #{bno}
<delete id="delete">
delete from tbl_board where bno = #{bno}
<!-- search -->
<select id="listSearch" resultType="com.pkt.model.BoardVO">
select *,(select count(*) from tbl_reply where bno = tbl_board.bno) as replycount from tbl_board where bno > 0
<include refid="search"></include>
order by bno desc limit #{pageStart}, #{perPageNum}
<select id="listSearchCount" resultType="int">
select count(bno) from tbl_board where bno > 0
<include refid="search"></include>
<sql id="search">
<if test="searchType != null" >
MyBatis에서는 변수가 자바객체처럼 사용되므로
( OGNL (Object Graph Navigation Language)를 사용하여 속성 처리를 하고 있기 때문에 )
자바에서 사용되는 문자열 비교 메소드를 이용하면 된다.
단 비교할 문자를 먼저 쓴 경우도 에러 발생.
<if test="searchType == 't'.toString()"> (o)
<if test="searchType eq 't'.toString()"> (o)
<if test="searchType.toString() == 't'.toString()"> (o)
<if test="searchType.equalsIgnoreCase('t')"> (o)
<if test='searchType == "t"'> (o)
// 작은, 큰 따옴표 순서
<if test='"t".equals(searchType)'> (o)
<if test="'t'.equals(searchType)"> (x)
<if test='searchType.equals("t")'> (o)
<if test="searchType.equals('t')"> (x)
<if test="searchType == 't'.toString()">
and title like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<if test="searchType == 'c'.toString()">
and content like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<if test="searchType == 'w'.toString()">
and writer like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
<if test="searchType == 'tc'.toString()">
and ( title like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%') OR content like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%'))
<if test="searchType == 'cw'.toString()">
and ( content like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%') OR writer like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%'))
<if test="searchType == 'tcw'.toString()">
( title like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
OR content like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
OR writer like CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%'))
- 이전글● sboard - 수정 ( 냉무 ) 24.08.01
- 다음글 24.08.01
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.